FISK RAISES MONEY TO FIGHT CANCERBridgewater-Emery senior Madison Fisk holds an honorary check showing the amount of money she raised for the Mitchell/Alexandria Dart League to fight cancer. (Photo/Owen Reitzel) Owen Reitzel | Editor Over a two-year period,...
Salem Economic Development Corporation receives SD Housing grant
South Dakota Housing’s Board of Commissioners awarded $19.2 million Housing Infrastructure Financing Program (HIFP) funds to assist with 19 housing infrastructure projects and $700,000 Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF) funds to assist with eight affordable housing...
Salem businesses to host Small Business Saturday
Troy Schwans | Managing Editor Small Business Saturday is on November 25 this year and is a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. Businesses in Salem will be observing the day not only with special prices but also by...
Christmas at the Courthouse
Christmas at the Courthouse is open to any business, club, organization, or family in McCook County that would like to decorate a tree in the courthouse. We ask that all trees please be at the courthouse and decorated by Thursday, November 30th, 2023. Please feel free...
Clover Buds offer children an early-age experience of 4-H
McCOOK COUNTY 4-H CLOVER BUDSMcCook County 4-H Clover Buds meet for Montrose children on the first Monday of the month in the lunchroom after school in Montrose and for Salem children they meet on the second Monday of the month in the room next to the library. McCook...
Alexandria UMC to host Winter Festival Bake Sale
In conjunction with Alexandria’s Winter Festival happening on Saturday, December 9th, the Alexandria United Methodist Church will be hosting a Bake Sale accepting free-will donations, with all proceeds going to the Hanson County Child Protection Team.We invite...
Alexandria Winter Festival events schedule
We hope you can join us for the Alexandria Winter Festival on December 8th and 9th. Follow along on Facebook (Alexandria Winter Festival) for any information in regards to this event. All proceeds and fundraising efforts will be given to the Hanson County Child...
Salem’s Annual Hometown Christmas and Parade of Lights approaching
Plan your float entry now! Salem Community Women, in conjunction with Salem Chamber of Commerce and First Dakota National Bank, will again be organizing the Parade of Lights at our Hometown Christmas on Friday, December 1 in downtown Salem.The parade will begin at...
Bridgewater pancake dinner will be held Dec. 2
The Bridgewater Development Corporation’s Customer Appreciation Pancake Dinner will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 with serving from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Bridgewater. Please plan to attend to support our community!Santa, sponsored...
Christmas cookies with Mrs. Claus in Salem
As part of the Salem Hometown Christmas, all are invited to decorate Christmas cookies with Mrs. Claus on December 1 in the Salem St. Mary’s Parish Hall from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.The cookie decorating event is open to all ages. A free-will donation will be collected, with...