We hope you can join us for the Alexandria Winter Festival on December 8th and 9th. Follow along on Facebook (Alexandria Winter Festival) for any information in regards to this event. All proceeds and fundraising efforts will be given to the Hanson County Child...
Salem’s Annual Hometown Christmas and Parade of Lights approaching
Plan your float entry now! Salem Community Women, in conjunction with Salem Chamber of Commerce and First Dakota National Bank, will again be organizing the Parade of Lights at our Hometown Christmas on Friday, December 1 in downtown Salem.The parade will begin at...
Bridgewater pancake dinner will be held Dec. 2
The Bridgewater Development Corporation’s Customer Appreciation Pancake Dinner will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 with serving from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Bridgewater. Please plan to attend to support our community!Santa, sponsored...
Canistota’s Jenarde Post 162 to hold Annual Feather Party 2023 Saturday
Once a year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the Canistota American Legion holds their annual Feather Party. It is their yearly fundraiser to help offset the expenses of 2023.A few of the many things the Legion does are: They help sponsor the Fall Festival for...
Sheriff’s officers to hold Shop With a Cop
The McCook County Sheriff’s Office is again hosting Shop With a Cop this year. It is that time of year where the Department likes to make a special effort give back to the communities.This year the McCook County Sheriff Officers will be taking four DARE essay winners...
2023 Giving Tuesday is November 28th
The Salem Area Foundation is again participating in the #SDCFGives Challenge sponsored through the South Dakota Community Foundation and South Dakota Gives. We invite you to join us in strengthening the Salem Community.Giving Tuesday is part of the National Day of...
VA Gift Shop Donation Drive
Christmas is a difficult time for many Veterans, especially those experiencing health issues. Help support our local Veterans at the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD by donating new items or a monetary gift for the annual VA Christmas Gift Shop. The Gift Shop is open...
McCook Central Music Booster frozen food delivery is Saturday!
The McCook Central Music Booster frozen food delivery is planned for this Saturday morning, November 18th. Students and parents – please plan to pick up your food that morning!We will send out an email and Facebook post when food is sorted and ready to pick up. We...
Van Ruler selected as student ambassador at Lake Area
Lake Area Technical College in Watertown, SD recently announced the names of the 2023-2024 Student Ambassadors. Student Ambassadors are selected by their instructors to represent their program at campus events and activities throughout the year. Selection is based on...
Veterans Day celebrated at Montrose School
SINGING THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER(LEFT) Fourth grader Mari Chlebeck VanLeur sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Montrose Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 10. On Friday, November 10th, the National Honor Society and the American Legion Post 154 celebrated...