Salem residents, the City of Salem has had MANY dog complaints this year. The following are a few sections of the City of Salem Compiled Ordinances – Title 5.02 Animals – in which the City has received complaints (sections are summarized):5.0202 - Wild animals and...
Freeman community blood drive scheduled
The next Freeman community blood drive through LifeServe is scheduled for Wednesday, November 22, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Freeman Community Center. To schedule an appointment call LifeServe Blood Center at 800-287-4903.This blood drive is sponsored by...
McCook County State Fair results
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR – SKYLAR STIEFVATER Pictured is Skylar Stiefvater, Reserve Champion Speckled Ewe at the SD State Fair. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR – RYAN BLAGG Pictured is Ryan Blagg, Division 1 Reserve Champion Market Doe at the SD State Fair. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE...
Music Boosters frozen food delivery delayed
The McCook Central Music Boosters would like to thank all who purchased frozen foods, cookie dough, etc. from our music students.We have been notified by one of our suppliers that they are unable to deliver our order on the original delivery date of November 11, 2023....
Watch this paper for local FFA members’ achievements at National Convention
Students flooded the city of Indianapolis, including many from our local schools in McCook and Hanson Counties, with an attendance of 72,956 for National FFA Convention November 1-4 as they attended workshops, competed in different events, and heard messages from...
Veterans Day 2023 is on Saturday
Carla Snyders | NCP Writer It’s the time of the year when we honor military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. The country will observe Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 10. State and federal buildings will be closed for business to honor the holiday, which falls...
If You Can
Sue Schmidt | Correspondent Jesus took His inner circle, Peter, James and John with Him up a high mountain. He wanted the men to behold His glory and deity. As Jesus was praying the appearance of Jesus’ face changed briefly in radiant splendor and His clothes became...
Salem Economic Development Corporation seeks new board member
The SEDC Board of Directors is looking to add a new member to their organization’s board of directors.The organization has three main goals: increase housing availability, market the industrial park to new businesses, and determine solutions to improve childcare in...
Do you honor veterans?
Paws for Thought Joyce Tieszen Tegtmeier | Correspondent One of the veterans in our family was our cat, Jappy, who passed away a few years ago at age 19. No, Jappy didn’t defend our country, but he defended our yard from intruders for years, never shirking from duty....
Montrose NHS to host Veterans Day program
The Montrose National Honor Society will be hosting a Veterans Day program in the Montrose High School gym on Friday, November 10 at 9:30 a.m. Donuts will be served for veterans and their families at 9:00 a.m.This year’s guest speaker is former Sergeant First Class...