The family of Pat Eich would like to thank all those who sent cards, money, brought food, and called with words of sympathy. God bless.Charlie Eich and family
Card of Thanks
The family of Don Miles wishes to thank everyone for all their prayers, cards, calls, memorials, messages, food and visits. Special thanks to the First Responders, Father Bob Krantz, Andy and Laura at Kinzley Funeral Home, the Marquardt Family for singing, the Ruste...
Card of Thanks
A very special thank you for all of the help and support during Dan’s passing. We are so grateful to Father Krantz for the prayer service, funeral and his friendship. We appreciate all who helped in any way. Especially all who responded to the 911 call, pallbearers,...
Bingo Saturday at Salem Legion
Frank J. Brune American Legion Post 140 in Salem will be hosting Bingo this Saturday night, February 1, starting at 7:00 p.m.This is a very family-friendly event, and it supports your local American Legion.It will be a prepay format of 15 games/1 card for $15.00....
Golden West announces 2025 scholarship program
High school seniors residing in the Golden West Telecommunications service area can now apply for one of 45 $1,000 scholarships available to qualifying students.Now in its 27th year, the Golden West scholarship program awards scholarships to help offset tuition for...
From the South Dakota House
By Rep. Drew Peterson Hello District 19 –Tuesday marked the start of the second week of the 100th Legislative Session, and with that, the pace and workload have increased. As of Friday, we only have 30 days left of the session, so I anticipate some long days ahead as...
News from the Capitol
By Representative Jessica Bahmuller We have completed our second week of the 100th legislative session. Things are picking up in the second week. There are almost 200 bills introduced already.I serve on the Commerce and Energy committee and the State Affairs...
The Winter Blues
Carla Snyders | NCP Writer I have never been very excited for the month of January to arrive. If we successfully make it this far without a blizzard or temperatures taking a nosedive, the worst of winter tends to show up just about now! Winter has a way of making...
Do you influence others?
Paws for Thought Joyce Tieszen Tegtmeier | Correspondent In addition to their dry food, our cats get a spoonful of moist canned cat food three times daily. Boris and Marble eat near one another and immediately dig in to the canned food like it’s a treat. When Boy and...
Finding grace through a child’s eyes
Reflections on Faith & Community by Rev. Jerry Bertelson “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” – James 1:17aAs a father of three daughters, I’ve discovered some of life’s deepest truths through their eyes. While their endless energy and enthusiasm can...