McCook Wellness is excited to announce some new changes to our BeFIT Groups. This month we are starting a Men’s BeSTRONG fitness group! What is BeSTRONG? A moderate intensity, men’s fitness group that focuses on strengthening and improved endurance for the aging...
Weber to be honored at Retirement Open House
Sharon Weber, a Bridgewater/Freeman mail carrier for the US Postal Service for 30 years, will be honored at a Retirement Open House on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Meyer Motor, located at 420 SD Highway 262 in Bridgewater. Refreshments will be...
United Church of Canistota to host turkey supper
United Church of Canistota will be hosting a turkey supper on Wednesday, October 18 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This year they will have the options of dine-in, carry-out or delivery. For dine-in, the ticket prices are: adults (ages 11 & up) - $11.00; child (ages 4-10)...
McCook Central Homecoming ‘23 concludes with Juniors winning float-building contest
KINGS AND QUEENS PRESENT GAME BALLQueen Vivian Koepsell and King Paul Kaffar for McCook Central, along with King Carter Jandl and Queen Kailey Thompson for Montrose presented the game ball at their Homecoming football game in Salem Friday evening. Colin M. Guenther |...
Bird strikes up; prevention strategies can help
LARGE SECTIONS OF GLASS INCREASE BIRD STRIKESLarge sections of glass increase the likelihood of bird strikes and subsequent injury or death, due to birds perceiving the reflective surface as a continuation of the outdoors. Photo credit: by Colin Guenther...
Jandl, Thompson reign over 2023 Montrose Homecoming
Chosen to reign over this year’s Montrose Homecoming festivities, on Sunday night during Coronation ceremonies in the Montrose Auditorium, were Carter Jandl and Kailey Thompson. This year’s Montrose High School royalty members also include Ty Morrison, Connor McGuire,...
Kaffar, Koepel reign over 2023 McCook Central Homecoming
Chosen to reign over this year’s McCook Central Homecoming festivities, on Sunday night during Coronation ceremonies in the McCook Central Performing Arts Center, were Paul Kaffar and Vivian Koepsell. This year’s McCook Central High School royalty members also...
Hanson Homecoming Royalty announced
The 2023 Hanson Homecoming Royalty includes Reese Marek, Emma Riggs, Alyssa Moschell, Paige Endorf, Erica Endorf, Colby Mentele, Jayce Slabe, Brody Bartscher, Brock Tuttle, and Hayden Schroeder. A photo of them may be found in this issue on the Hanson School Page,...
Canistota’s Stalting Park picnic shelter moving along
STALTING PARK PICNIC SHELTER IN CANISTOTAA new picnic shelter in Stalting Park in Canistota is under construction with a completion date before December. The picnic shelter is one of several improvements being made over time in the park. Carla Snyders | NCP Writer The...
Secretary Buttegieg meets with truckers near Salem
Carla Snyders | NCP Writer United States Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, met with representatives from the trucking industry last week Tuesday at the Salem I-90 rest area. The conversation centered around multiple concerns including items such as the...