
The 40 day journey to Easter

Reflections on Faith & Community Rev. Jerry Bertelson There’s something deeply human about preparation. We wouldn’t dream of showing up to run a marathon without training or performing in a concert without practice. The most meaningful moments in our lives often...

What occupation does your pet have?

Paws for Thought Joyce Tieszen Tegtmeier | Correspondent Our cats have demonstrated the following occupational skills - Garbage collector: Nelson chased wads of paper that were tossed toward the trash. He ‘fetched’ and retrieved those that missed the can and brought...

Salem Economic Development Corporation monthly meeting

The monthly meeting of the Salem Economic Development Corporation was held on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at the Blindert Insurance Conference Room, Salem.Those in attendance were Logan Roth, Glenda Blindert, Brad Kranz, Lori Heumiller, Keith Paulsen, and Carla Snyders....

From the South Dakota House

Rep. Drew Peterson Hello District 19 –As a farmer, a resident of rural South Dakota, and a father of a young child with another on the way, I believe I understand the challenges facing our rural communities and state. Week eight of the 100th Legislative Session...

From the Senate Chambers. . .

By Kyle Schoenfish | District 19 Senator Week 8 ReportOne week of Session is left with the completion of Week Eight.HB 1164 changes the process for nominating a Lieutenant Governor. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor run together on the same ticket, but the...

News from the Capitol

Representative Jessica Bahmuller Attorney General Marty Jackley has recently been cracking down on criminal activity within government. Jackley proposed a bill package to further advance government accountability. I brought two of these bills to the floor. The first...

Future Leaders 4-h Club holds meeting

The Future Leaders 4-H club met on March 9. Vice President Allison Leber called the meeting to order. Brandon Stiefvater led the flag pledge while Felicia Addy led the 4-H pledge. Secretary Karlie Stiefvater led the roll call with the question of “Name your favorite...

Women’s self-care advocate will speak at ACT in Mitchell

Owen Reitzel | Editor On Saturday, April 5, women’s self-care advocate and hygienist, Kelli Jaecks, will head a discussion called Millennials, Motherhood, and Menopause at the Mitchell Area Community Theatre (ACT).According to her website, https://kellijaecks.com,...

McCook County Sheriff’s Office recruit among grads

South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley honored the 45 recruits who graduated Friday, March 7, from the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program in Pierre.“This is an important day for the recruits, their families, and their departments,” said Attorney General...

Skaff inducted into SDWCA Hall of Fame

Former Salem Cub wrestler Brian Skaff (left) was inducted into the South Dakota Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame at last weekend’s State Wrestling Tournament in Rapid City. Skaff made history in 1985 as the school’s first state wrestling champion and is...