
Things I learned from a Christmas Tree

Carla Snyders | NCP Writer The Christmas Season is upon us! The Christmas and Holiday season is a beautiful time of the year! There are millions of lights, decorations, and celebrations taking place all around the world. It is truly a season in which people focus...

Are you moving?

Paws for Thought Joyce Tieszen Tegtmeier | Correspondent Small movements intrigue our cats. For example, a cloth belt can be in full view of the cats and remain untouched for days. But as soon as I gently dangle the belt or slowly trail it across the floor, the...

Record Book Recognition

The Hanson County 4-H Leaders implemented a new record book scoring system in 2022 to provide extra recognition to those youth who complete their record book and award those who go above and beyond in completing this important snapshot of their 4-H year. The following...

Graduating Members

Hanson County recognized its two graduating 4-H members this year at their Recognition Event. They were Quinton Berg and Hayden Schroeder (pictured).

“The Silent (Noisy) Night”

The shepherds are tending their sheep in the play “The Silent (Noisy) Night” at the Montrose United Methodist Church on Sunday. The play kicked off the Christmas in the Valley celebration on Sunday in Montrose.

Annual Freeman Regional Health Services Foundation Gala planned

Freeman Regional Health Services Foundation is excited to announce the 14th Annual Gala, which will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the Freeman Community Center. Presented by the Hofer Family in loving memory of Wyona Hofer, this year’s event celebrates the...

A sacred yes

You, Me & Jesus Sue Schmidt | Correspondent Mary lived a common everyday life until an unexpected visit from an angel appeared. Mary was frightened with the angel’s presence. The book of Luke states she was “greatly troubled” trying to absorb the words the angel...

South Dakota counties to enter local road conditions into SD511

South Dakota travelers rely on SD511 for real-time travel information, including road conditions, closures, construction, incidents, weather forecasts, and roadway camera images, especially during winter. This year, the South Dakota Department of Transportation...

One School, One Book: Our Journey Together

OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER McCook Central elementary teachers Mrs. Katie Krueger (right) and Mrs. Mary Blindert (left) are leading an exciting initiative, “Our Journey Together”, aimed at building a school-wide community of readers. Connecting School, Home, Community, and a...

Check Presentation to Montrose City Council

A grant in the amount of $5,400 was awarded to the City of Montrose by the Montrose Area Foundation for softball/baseball field bathroom partitions. Pictured are: (l-r) MAF board member Sarah McAreavey, Mayor Susan Painter, Nicholas Vogel, Alexander Binder, Finance...