The Salem High School Class of 1974 held their 50-year class reunion during Homecoming festivities in Salem on September 20, 2024. A large number of class members were in attendance including: (back row, l-r) Keith Reif, Tim Forster, Tom Gottlob, Doug Matzke, Jeff...
McCook County for Life to host informative meeting
McCook County for Life would like to invite everyone to attend their next meeting on Monday, October 21 at 7:00 p.m., at St. Mary’s Hall in Salem to listen to Jenn Lee from South Dakota Right to Life.Jenn Lee is the Associate Director of South Dakota Right to Life and...
Salem, SD Chamber of Commerce October Yard of the Month
The Salem, SD Chamber of Commerce has announced their “Yard of the Month” in Salem for the month of October. The George and Carla Eichacker residence, 703 N. Idaho St., is this month’s winner of the “Yard of the Month”. Congratulations to the Eichackers with their...
Forbes Magazine names First Dakota National Bank Best-In-State Bank for 2024
First Dakota National Bank is proud to have earned the distinction of South Dakota’s #1 Best-In-State Bank by Forbes business magazine for 2024. The results were based on a survey of approximately 26,000 U.S. residents.“It’s an honor to be recognized as the...
State FFA officers visit Bridgewater-Emery School
STATE FFA OFFICERS VISIT BRIDGEWATER-EMERY SCHOOL State FFA officers visited Bridgewater-Emery School recently. Pictured here are: (back, l-r) Raul Berrones Pedraza, Creighten Werning, Landon Stahl, Jason Zeeb, Ben Weber, Cash Martinez, Dawson Plagmann, Ben Storm,...
Nominate local teachers for top SD Ag educator award
Agriculture educators play a crucial role within their communities by investing countless hours to prepare and empower students for successful careers in the industry.In recognition of their invaluable contributions and to offer additional resources for their...
Thon Wins Reserve Champion in Grand Island
Bridgewater-Emery Katrina Thon won Reserve Champion at the AK-SAR-BEN Stock Show in Grand Island, NE. Congratulations Katrina! (Submitted Photo)
Senior Works to Prevent Suicide
Bridgewater-Emery’s Jennalyn Zulk’s senior project was to help prevent suicide. Zulk lost a cousin to suicide and she sold t-shirts to raise money for suicide awareness.
Miller announces candidacy for District 19 State Senate
Michael J. Miller of Freeman is announcing his candidacy for election to the State Senate for District 19.Running as an Independent, when asked why he is seeking a seat in the Senate, he replied, “Agriculture is a big driver in our state’s economy, but last session we...
Salem Chamber Downtown Market ends with festive Octoberfest theme
SALEM CHAMBER DOWNTOWN MARKET PET PARADE The last Salem SD Chamber Downtown Market featured a pet parade. Many pet owners dressed their dogs in costumes and walked them down and back on Main Street in a parade held during the Downtown Market. This was the last market...