
McCook Central Girls on the Run

The 2024 spring McCook Central Girls on the Run program ended with a successful 5K on Saturday, May 4th. The girls who participated in the program were: (back, l-r) Hayden Grace, Maggie Kaufmann, Haylah Bell, Brittyn Gottlob; (front) Caroline Tschetter, Presley...

Poppy Day in Emery Saturday

Members from the Klever Klovers 4-H Club will distribute the familiar red, handcrafted poppies honoring America’s war dead on Saturday morning, May 25, 2024, designated as Poppy Day by the Smith-Jarding American Legion Auxiliary Unit #166 in Emery.The annual event...

Contributions sought for Emery Community Cemetery

If anyone wishes to contribute to the care and upkeep of the Emery Community Cemetery, please send your donations to: Emery Community Cemetery, Sue Weeldreyer, 43330 261st St., Bridgewater, SD 57319-5800.

Public notices highlight insurance companies’ financial condition

In this issue, you will find the annual publication of financial summaries of insurance companies licensed to do business in South Dakota.Insurance companies doing business in South Dakota are required by state law to publish these financial summaries each year. The...

Volunteers needed to put up flags in Salem

On Friday, May 24th, the Salem American Legion will be putting up the flags around the McCook County Courthouse at 6:30 a.m. and flags on Veteran’s graves starting at Wildwood Cemetery at 6:00 p.m.If anyone wants to help with the flags around the Courthouse or the...

Canistota Legion and Auxiliary

There will be a Memorial Day Program at the Canistota American Legion Hall on Monday, May 27th at 10:00 a.m.There will be another great local speaker joining us this year. As in the years past, there will be a time for coffee and baked goods after the program. We ask...

65th anniversary card shower request

The family of Jerome and Judy Hoffmann would like to honor them with a card shower, celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary on June 3rd. Anniversary wishes may be sent to: PO Box 103, Alexandria, SD 57311.Thank you for your kindness in remembering our parents on...

Erickson 80th birthday card shower

The family of Barry Erickson, of Salem, SD, is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday.Cards can be sent to: Barry Erickson, 341 W. Washington Ave., Salem, SD 57058.