Montrose Senior By: Addi Gordon Carter Jandl is the son of Rebecca Jandl.During high school Carter was involved in football, basketball, track, FFA, NHS, and student council. His favorite class in high school was anatomy because he thought it was very interesting to...
Kellen Kueter
Montrose Senior By: Kasen McIlravy Kellen Kueter is the son of Dean and Tracy Kueter and has one older sister, Hallie.When asked where he would live and why, his response was Montrose because everybody helps each other out and gets along. The song he would sing at...
Stiefvater family receives “FFA Family of the Year” award
“FFA FAMILY OF THE YEAR” AWARDED TO STIEFVATER FAMILY The Elizabeth and late John Stiefvater family, of Salem, received the South Dakota FFA Foundation’s 2024 “Family of the Year” award last week at the State FFA Convention in Brookings, SD, honoring the family’s...
Prescription Take-Back Day is Saturday
Since South Dakota began participating in the National Prescription Take-Back Day in 2017, nearly 53,000 pounds of medication has been collected for destruction through participating law enforcement locations. South Dakotans again have an opportunity to add to that...
Grant awarded to Canova Volunteer Fire Department
OPERATION ROUND-UP GRANT CHECK PRESENTATION Central Electric Cooperative presented a $2,000 Operation Round-Up grant to the Canova Volunteer Fire Department for equipment and supplies. Pictured from left are: Central Electric Manager of Communications Tara Miller,...
Property taxes due on Tuesday
Troy Schwans | Editor By law, South Dakota property owners have until April 30 each year to pay the first half of their real estate and mobile home taxes. If you have not paid your property taxes by now, your time is expiring fast.You may pay your taxes by mail. But,...
Salem Chamber Downtown Market begins new season
Carla Snyders | NCP Writer Mark your calendars now as the Salem Chamber Downtown Market is “Kicking off the Summer” with the first market date on June 12th, 2024!Happening on the second Wednesday of every month, starting on June 12th and going through October 2nd from...
BHS Alumni Banquet invitations arriving soon
On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the Bridgewater High School Alumni Association will be hosting the 56th Annual BHS Alumni Banquet at the Bridgewater gymnasium for alumni, former teachers and their guests. Invitations will soon be sent via email to those with active email...
Card of Thanks
Just to know that in countless ways our family and friends are with us makes the way easier.A heartfelt thank you to each and everyone for the memorials and gifts on BeDeane’s behalf. Thank you to Diamond Care Center in Bridgewater for taking care of BeDeane.Also, a...
Peterson open house bridal shower
Bridal Shower Please join us to celebrate Mercedes Peterson, bride-to-be of Justin Grosdidier, for a bridal shower on Saturday, April 27th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Unite Church, Main Street, Salem. The couple is registered on Amazon.Mercedes is the daughter of Melissa...