REP. DUSTY JOHNSON AND THE CANISTOTA SENIORS United States Representative Dusty Johnson poses with the Canistota High School seniors during an assembly on Tuesday, February 18 at the Canistota school. Rep. Johnson met with the juniors and seniors and hosted a...
Hanson County Courthouse gets new metal detector
HANSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE METAL DETECTOR A new metal detector is up and running just outside the courtroom at the Hanson County Courthouse in Alexandria. (Photo/Owen Reitzel) Owen Reitzel | Editor In time, things break down, and such was the case of the metal detector...
McCook Central FFA Hosts Pancake Breakfast
In conjunction with National FFA Week, chapters across the nation are hosting events to highlight the week. McCook Central FFA Chapter held a pancake and sausage breakfast on Monday morning in the school. Those cooking and serving the pancakes and sausages at the time...
District 19 Cracker Barrel Held in Salem
The legislators from District 19 were in Salem on Monday for a legislative cracker barrel sponsored by the Salem Community Library. A variety of topics were discussed including Education Savings Accounts, South Dakota Public Broadcasting and public libraries,...
Early newspaper features Montrose
Editor’s note: Week three of our early accounts of McCook County towns features Montrose. Newspaper writers had a unique way of describing our early days and we are sure you will enjoy this week’s segment of our series. The following was taken from a Salem newspaper...
Street Crews Move Year’s First Major Snow
It’s been a relatively mild winter around here up until early February when the area finally started experiencing enough snow that the streets in our local cities needed to be plowed. Pictured here, Brian Mentele, with the City of Salem’s snowblower, waits for another...
“Come on Down!” for a night of fun at Salem’s 18th Annual Ladies Night Out
Get ready for a night of fun, laughter, and fantastic prizes as the 18th Annual Ladies Night Out in Salem returns on Saturday, March 1, 2025! Tickets are now on sale at Uniquely You Salon and Spa in Salem (Gina Hansen) for $25.00.This is a repeat from last year with...
18th Annual Learning Bridge Daycare Chili Cook-off approaching
The 18th Annual Chili & Soup Cook-Off, benefiting the Learning Bridge Daycare in Bridgwater, is scheduled for Sunday, March 9, 2025, this year at the Bridgewater Fire Hall from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite soup, whether that...
Bridgewater, Salem, and Montrose to hold blood drives
February is Heart Health Month. What better way to get a mini health check than by donating blood.Bridgewater Community will be hosting a blood drive on Thursday, February 27 from 1:30 to 4:15 p.m. on the Vitalant bus in front of the firehall. All donors will be...
‘Who Powers You’ contest nominations being accepted
The region’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, including Southeastern Electric, Sioux Valley Energy and Central Electric, are excited to announce the fourth annual ‘Who Powers You’ Contest. Nominations are being accepted online at The contest...