
Haag’s new business is a dream come true for the Fulton native

DEVIN HAAG OPENS HAAG AUTO & DIESEL LLC Devin Haag stands by the sign in his new business started the first part of March in Alexandria. (Photo/Owen Reitzel) Owen Reitzel | Writer Ten years of working for someone else gave Devin Haag the motivation to open his new...

Salem Chamber Downtown Market gears up for new season

Carla Snyders | NCP Writer The Salem Chamber Downtown Market will be “Kicking off the Summer” for another exciting season, bringing the community together with food, entertainment, and local shopping. The first market of the year is set for Wednesday, June 11, 2025,...

School presentation sparks enthusiasm for electricity

STATIC ELECTRICITY CAN BE A HAIR-RAISING EXPERIENCE A Van de Graaff generator demonstrates the movement of electrons with some hair-raising results as shown here by Hanson student Hadley Degen during a presentation by East River Electric and Central Electric about...

Impacting the Lives of Children

Unite Church in Salem held a “Unite to Feed Kids” fundraiser last weekend. A significant amount of money was raised to help feed children in need and help to ensure that the church remains a place of service for years to come. Along with the supporters, attendees, and...

Area Fire Departments Kept Busy Recently

The Montrose Fire Department fought a fire in grass, trees and bales for six hours last Friday afternoon and evening on a farm east of town. They received mutual aid from the Salem Fire Department. Volunteer farmers moved hay bales away from the fire. Those bales that...

Drive Your Tractor to School Day

In conjunction with National Agriculture Week (March 16-22, 2025) students from McCook Central School and McCook Central FFA sponsored Drive Your Tractor to School Day on Tuesday, March 18. After parading down Salem’s Main Street prior to school the tractors were then...

McCook County Pro Pheasant to hold annual banquet

The McCook County Pro Pheasants club will again be hosting their annual banquet. However, with the unavailability of facilities in Salem since the new community center isn’t ready yet, this year’s banquet will again be held at the Wieman Auction Facility located at...

SD American Legion District 7 spring meeting info

The annual District 7 Spring Meeting of the South Dakota American Legion will be held Sunday, March 30, 2025, in Garretson for Legionnaires from Lake, Moody, McCook, Union, Lincoln and Minnehaha counties.The Legion business session will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the...

Twenty-six Different Soup Entrees and 145 People at Chili Cook-off

The organizers of the 18th Annual Learning Bridge Daycare Chili Cook-off fundraiser in Bridgewater on Sunday, March 9, would like to give a huge thank you to all who came to support the daycare by helping with different needs, donating cash, silent auction items,...

Celebrating Children’s Dental Health Month: A guide to healthy smiles

BRINGING DENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION TO THE SCHOOLS McCook County Dental in Salem visited some area second and third graders during Children’s Dental Health Month, celebrated in February, teaching them the value of proper dental health. Picture here, Jeanette Grady,...